This valuable booklet is designed according to the CAPS document and the Annual Teaching Plan. This is a HUGE bundle that consists of 200 pages to assist the child with the following concepts:
– Count in twos
– Count in threes
– Count in fours
– Count in fives
– Count in tens
– Addition – 13 Pages with various addition equations
– Subtraction – 13 Pages with various subtraction equations
– Addition and subtraction – 5 Pages
– Greater than (>), Smaller than (<), Equals to (=): - 3 pages - Place value - 3 pages - Multiplication of 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x en 10x - Division of 2, 3, 4, 5 en 10 - Place value - 3 pages - Number value - 3 pages - Number names - Time - 14 pages about analogue and digital clocks - Calendar - Months and days - 3 pages - Seasons - 5 pages about seasons, including coloring pictures - 2D Shapes - 7 pages - 3D Shapes - 5 pages - Informal measurement - 4 pages (learners estimate and measure certain objects) - Money - 10 pages that include change and the conversion of money - Division with and without a remainder - 5 pages - Number patterns - 4 pages - Number names - Number symbols - Add together - Combine - Break up - Ascending and descending order - Geometric patterns - 6 pages - Round to the nearest 10 - 3 pages - Word problems - 5 pages - Grouping - 2 pages - Volume - 5 pages - Mass - 5 pages - Direction on a map - 2 pages - Symmetry- 6 pages - Fractions - 5 posters en 8 worksheets - Sorting - 2 pages - Data - 5 pages - Halve and double - 5 pages - 5 Coloring pictures - Number combinations from 2 to 20 The completed memorandum is included in a separate resource. This book is designed to provide extra support for the Grade 3 child and is PERFECT for parents / teachers who homeschool. This book promises to provide a lot of extra support to any teacher. Under no circumstances may this resource be resold or distributed. PDF-format.
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